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Dennis Gabbana: A short trip to AntiGravity

Do you know the feeling when you’re so into one specific thing that you forget about your surroundings and drift into a parallel world? This is an attempt to depict just that millisecond in between during which you are in none of these worlds: Anti Gravity.
Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Dennis, I was born in the seventies and began to experiment with graffiti in the eighties. Later I turned my hobby into a profession. After finishing University with a diploma in design, I have been working as a freelancer for ten years.

Adventure TIme, Anti Gravity
Your work seems to be very surreal, where do you draw inspiration from?

From my journey into my inner side and outer worlds and sometimes from the bottom drawer off my desk.

Sonic, Anti Gravity
What other mediums do you use for art?

Spray cans, markers and sometimes brushes and canvas.

Masters, Anti Gravity
What do you find indispensable in Affinity Designer?

I love it to be able to draw on my iPad no matter where I am- be it in an airplane or in a hammok at the beach. For that purpose Affinity Designer is very suitable—the perfect handling customised for the touch display. Moreover there are many cool features which leave nothing to be desired compared to programs like Illustrator.

I’m very happy to have found an alternative to the usual graphic programs.

Nelson, Anti Gravity
What is your favourite project that you’ve worked on so far?

I try to treat every project as if it is my own, so there is no favorite project for me.

Akira, Anti Gravity
What is your favourite movie?

Lost Highway (David Lynch), Ren & Stimpy and the Simpsons.

To see more from Dennis, check out his shop and Instagram.